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Reserve a picking spot today. Help in the apple harvest and SAVE!

Pay $25 up front and save $10/bushel when you pick! You'll come at harvest

time and pick into

pre-priced bags, pay at

the end of the season. 

It's a great deal!

Reserve a family tree

with a

$25 Deposit 

Pick for $1.25/lb

** SAVE $.25 /lb **

That's a savings of $10.00/Bushel !!



In the fall... come out anytime (it's fully self-serve) to pick ... Stop by the Picking Welcome Station... choose your bag size and find a tree.

Come on out when you 

fancy a peck , 1/2 peck or a 1/2 bushel. You'll pick into pre-price bags, provided free. Fill out a picking ticket, pay and go.

1/2 Peck Bags $10.00

1 Peck Bags $18.00

1/2 Bushel Bags $30.00

Pre-picked Apples

You're driving home, see that Hazel Hill sign and remember that delicious apple sauce you made last year.

"Darn! I didn't become a Hazel Hill Harvester!" Not to worry, we have you covered.

Apples will be picked and bagged each day during the season, ready for munching or mashing.

Cash & Carry  at the Stand



1/2 Peck Bags $10.00

 1 Peck Bags $18.00


Baked Goods

I'd walk down the hill to Gram Hazel's house many a weekend. She always had a 'job' my brother and I could make a little money at... pulling goldenrod in the hay field or swatting flies in the barn for a penny a piece. There were plenty of both! We sorted coins or stamps, practiced our states on a wood puzzle or peddled

the player piano "Moon River wider than a mile...."

But baking was my favorite thing to do. You learn a lot when your "Gram" is so patient and willing to let you try anything from pies to pastries, from cakes to cornbread. The recipes I 'follow' have been passed down from her kitchen as well as aunts, friends, the ladies at the "Grange" and especially my mom.

For now I am pies, pumpkin pies, apple nut cake (you'll LOVE it!) and granola.

    Apple Pies or Apple Nut Cake - $20.00  


        These are all available this winter, made to order. Text / email or give me a call.          


Canned Goods & Maple Syrup

My mom was one the outstanding gardeners in the area, if not the state. Her flowers garden are unparalleled. Her advice and guidance I still use daily. Michelle and I do the job in the vegetable

garden, watering, weeding, picking on time... the harvest has been awesome. Still going strong!


We processed 30+ jars of savory Pickles, 30+ jars of delicious Pasta sauce and dozen jars of

Beets.  It sounds like a lot, but we eat them every day with every meal (usually

not breakfast...). Two dear family members visited recently and consumed a reported three jars

in a matter of hours!  They're all out for purchase at the HHO Farm Stand in Turner as well as

jarred apple sauce made from those beautiful Hazel Hill Orchard apples. Samples will be

available of course...warning, you'll be hooked. Prices TBD next fall. 

In addition to canned products, maple syrup, made in our wonderful Sap Shed in Wayne is at

the stand. Who doesn't love hot waffles dripping with sweet maple syrup and juicy blueberries.

Got your attention yet...Don't miss the springtime "Blossom Brunch"!

12 oz. Bottle Maple Syrup - $12

Applesauce 32oz - $7.50/ 16oz - $5.50

Apple Butter 8oz & Canned Goods 16oz - $6.50


Boxes and Baskets

Once you and your family have been out to Hazel Hill Orchard for an afternoon, I am confident you'll

be back. The pleasure, excitement and pride your children will feel harvesting their very own

tree will seal the deal. If you're going to make this a truly authentic experience,

harkening back to days gone by...a couple of rugged traditional boxes

and/or baskets to harvest those apples into, are a must!

These boxes are milled locally and assembled right here on the farm. They  bring me back to my

childhood. Believe me I've handled 1000's of these, and remember the satisfying site

of thirty or more bushels of apples, lined up under the old standard trees,

ready to be collected and hauled back to the storage. Buy a beautiful

box or basket, own a piece of apple history.

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 Hazel Hill Orchard:  * 59 South Livermore Rd.   Turner, Maine

432 Old Winthrop Rd.  Wayne, Maine 

 Tony & Michelle      207-500-3886

Mail: Tony Leavitt  P.O. Box 213 Wayne, ME 04284

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